Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Ed's Mini Book Review - Dearly Devoted Dexter

Dexter iPhone wallpaperImage by xploitme via Flickr

On the heels of reading and thoroughly enjoying the first Dexter book, I quickly nabbed myself a copy of the second in the series, Dearly Devoted Dexter. For those that are fans of the cable series, and I haven't seen any of the series, here is where, from what I have read, the series diverges from the books.

Dexter now finds himself the target of someones attention, a Miami PD officer who knows something is amiss with poor demented Dexter. Since the closing events of the last book Dexter is being followed so he keeps up his facade by spending time with Rita and her kids more and Dexter finds himself settling into domestic bliss, his urges from the Dark Passenger being held at bay but totally gone.

Complicating things further is his sister, eager to prove herself as a new homicide detective. Oh, and the serial killer who dices up his victims with such surgical precision as to keep them alive after he's done his work. What is poor domesticated Dexter to do? He would like to help his sister, and have a sit down with this new serial killer to compare notes. He would also like to satisfy the Dark Passenger and he has just the child killing chap in mind for this. And what about his new de-facto family, who has members that seem to have inklings just like Dexter?

This all makes for some fun reading, if dark humor and dismemberment is your bag, and another good entry in the series. Not as good as the first but a good time nonetheless.

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1 comment:

  1. Nice pun "if dark humor and dismemberment is your bag". Love it!
